The Conference “Modern Technologies and Individual Educational Pathways” - Ломоносов
16 - 17 Apr 2021
MSU, Москва, Россия

The Conference “Modern Technologies and Individual Educational Pathways”

The International Conference “Modern Technologies and Individual Educational Pathways”

The International Conference “Modern Technologies and Individual Educational Pathways” will take place at Lomonosov Moscow State University between 16th  and 17th of April within the framework of the  International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov-2021". The Conference will be held remotely.

Representatives of youth social, scientific, and engineering associations, specialists in economic human resources management, representatives of state authorities, heads of colleges and universities, managers of high-tech research institutes and enterprises, and organizers of youth intellectual competitions will take part in the Conference.
The aim of the Conference is to form an effective system for the economic reproduction of  employees and involvement of young people in the process of innovation development and modernization of  Russia and other countries. On-line discussions and presentations will take place within the framework of the Conference.

The topics proposed for discussions and presentations are as follows:
- strategy of personnel formation and ways of overcoming the personnel crisis in modern conditions;
- training of young specialists: best internships, vocational guidance and educational technologies;
- adaptation, motivation, professional and personal self-development of young professionals;
- development of the digital economy: key trends and features;
- the new labour market and professions of the future;
- human capital in the era of digital economy;
- transformation of the education system and training of new personnel in the era of digitalization;
- humanities and digital economy;
- effective models of interaction between universities and employers for personnel training;
- development of tools for managing the educational process and scientific work of higher education institutions in accordance with the requirements of the digital economy;
- the university as the centre of competencies in the field of digital economy;
- young specialists in the eyes of the employer: who are they?
- the role of youth social and scientific associations in training and socialization of young specialists.
To take part in the Conference please send the application form and abstracts via the electronic registration system until 26th of March 2021 (inclusive).
Requirements for abstract formatting (section "General requirements for abstracts formatting for sessions with Word-file uploading").
A presentation, images or any other materials can be attached to the application. It is possible to participate in the Conference as a listener without delivering your own presentation. To do so it is also necessary to submit an application through the electronic registration system.
The International Conference "Modern Technologies and Individual Educational Pathways" is supported by the Presidential Grant for the development of civil society, provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation to the Russian Youth Public Organization "Russian Union of Student Organizations" for the “International Youth Scientific Forum ‘Lomonosov’” project.


Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Union of Student Organizations
The Student Union of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Russian Young Researchers Club

